Dental Veneers - Flagstaff, AZ
dental veneers Services at Flagstaff Smiles
We can help you design the beautiful smile of your dreams with dental veneers at Flagstaff Smiles!
Improving your smile with veneers can improve your overall quality of life
Dental veneers are a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the overall appearance of your smile, providing you with a beautifully designed dental restoration, safer treatment, and better long-term oral health.
Porcelain veneers consist of extremely thin, durable, custom-made pieces of tooth-shaped porcelain. They are bonded onto your front teeth to improve their color and shape, creating a beautiful and uniform smile. We offer dental veneers near you to camouflage numerous cosmetic concerns, which makes them an ideal option for a wide range of patients.
Reasons for porcelain veneers include..
Stains, discolorations, chips and cracks in teeth
Deformed, crooked or short teeth
Large spaces between teeth
Misalignments or narrow smile
The Experts You Are Looking For in Flagstaff, AZ
Some people may feel more apprehensive or anxious when undergoing dental treatment. That's why we make sure your comfort is our priority at Flagstaff Smiles. Dr. Benjamin Stark offers a relaxed and pleasant experience in reviewing your treatment options and creating veneers to enhance the appearance of your teeth. So do not hesitate to contact our office today!
A great investment for those looking for cosmetic enhancement
Veneers can drastically improve the appearance of your smile and are an excellent investment for those seeking cosmetic improvement. As a covering made of solid material that covers the teeth, they also cover imperfections in your smile.
Dental veneers don't have to worry about your teeth changing color or staining because they provide a natural. So if you are unhappy with how your smile looks but don't want to go through extensive dental work, veneers are a quick, long-lasting, and effective option for you.
dental veneers benefits
A solution to most cosmetic dental issues
Easy to maintain
Less invasive